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Les personnes de plus de 55 ans moins favorables aux éoliennes

Une étude publiée par le GUARDIAN Ils sont cependant 60% à y être favorable contre 86% pour les 16-34 ans!


Are older people blocking wind power?

A survey of 500 people suggested that the over 55s are much more likely to oppose windfarms than those from younger groups

Burton Wold wind farm in Northamptonshire People over 55 are much more likely to oppose windfarms, a survey has found. Photograph: David Sillitoe

"Older people blocking wind power for future generations" is the headline of a new piece of research.

The survey of 500 people suggested that the over 55s are much more likely to oppose windfarms – only six out of 10 support them, compared with 86% of 16-34 year olds, and no under-24s objected.

The company that commissioned the phone poll, IPB Communications, hypothesises that older people are more likely to have time to spend opposing planning requests, which explains why they are the effective army behind the high and rising rate at which such plans are rejected.

"It's not about attacking older people, it's about motivating young people to get engaged in the planning process," said John Quinton-Barber, a senior consultant at IPB (who perhaps didn't have approval of the headline above).


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